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Higher Ed's Hottest Hot Spot?

More than 7 percent of students on Georgia College's campus have had COVID-19, and up to a third may be in quarantine. In-person classes continue nonetheless.

Trigger Warnings

Fifty positive COVID-19 cases, or 100? Meeting 80 percent of quarantine capacity, or having more than 10 sick employees? Some colleges are publishing "triggers" that would lead them to consider closing; others refuse to boil decision making down to a few numbers.

Steep Decline in Summer Loans

Federal loan disbursements were down across the board this summer, but for-profit colleges were hit particularly hard.

Not ‘Glorified Skype’

Faculty members say they’re working harder than ever to meet students’ needs through remote instruction, even if critics of the model don’t know it.

COVID-19 Roundup: 6% of a College's Students Have It

More than 400 students at Georgia College have COVID-19; Arizona State releases health data, in part; Oregon goes virtual; and Towson and North Carolina State largely close campuses to students.

Colleges Prepare to Weather Hurricanes and Fires

Hurricane and wildfire seasons have interrupted the beginning of an already challenging fall semester at colleges in Texas, Louisiana and California.

Running Numbers or Running From Numbers?

As colleges moved to reopen classrooms this fall, groups of researchers were forthright with statistical modeling showing likely COVID-19 infections on campus. That's more than some public flagship universities can say.

Cases Spike at Universities Nationally

Some parts of the country appear particularly vulnerable.