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COVID Roundup: Presidential Survey Edition

Survey of presidents zeroes in on financial pressures. Working paper analyzes political factors in reopening decisions. Florida football coach calls for full-capacity stadium crowd. More colleges temporarily shift classes online or take other steps to reduce spread.

Appalachian State Grapples With Aftermath of Student Death

Confusion and concern mount in the wake of a student's death as COVID-19 infections spread.

Sidelined by Fear and Bureaucracy

Missouri Valley College students with mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression want to attend classes fully online to cope with the pandemic. College officials say the students aren't eligible for such accommodations. Experts say the students are legally entitled to them.

COVID-19 Mitigation Costs Still Add Up After Students Sent Home

Three North Carolina colleges sent students home only weeks after in-person instruction began. They're still footing the bill for testing, PPE and other COVID-19 prevention measures.

COVID-19 Roundup: A Domino Falls on Winter Sports

New England conference cancels its winter sports season, and West Chester abandons spring sports. Some colleges resume in-person instruction as others suspend it. And a journal cites COVID-19 policy for taking a side in November.

College Promise Programs Wrestle With Pandemic Realities

As states begin slashing budgets, some free college programs are feeling the sting.

How Transparent Is Your College's COVID Dashboard?

Many colleges created dashboards showing their COVID-19 infection and testing data. But a lack of standards for testing and reporting has made for varying levels of transparency.

Postsecondary Paradox

Colleges and universities have an opportunity to better serve millions of Americans adults without a postsecondary degree, Dave Clayton writes.