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New Variant Makes Inroads Onto College Campuses

Six universities have now reported cases of the B.1.1.7 variant of SARS-CoV-2.

The Growing Ithaca Resistance

The college wants to cut 116 full-time positions from its non-tenure-track faculty ranks, but alumni, students and professors are putting up a fight.

Better Than Before?

Large universities saw thousands of students infected last fall. Many of those institutions are doing better this time around.

Return to In-Person Instruction Influenced by Politics

State sociopolitical factors strongly influenced four-year public colleges in their reopening decisions, new working paper finds. County sociopolitical factors played into decision making at private four-year colleges and two-year public colleges.

Australian Universities in ‘Deep Trouble’ as Borders Stay Closed

Full reopening is not expected until 2022. Some fear for Australia's ability to recover pre-pandemic share of international students.

New Variant Meets Its First University

University of Michigan’s stay-at-home order could be a look into the future for other colleges and universities, as new SARS-CoV-2 variants spread across the country.

Opposition to Republican COVID-19 Plan

Democratic chairman of House education committee says coronavirus relief proposal put forth by moderate Republicans is a "drop in the bucket."

COVID-19 Roundup: Warnings, an Apology and Graduation Plans

Villanova warns students after cases rise. A snowball fight at Liberty and fraternity party at Santa Clara draw scrutiny. Vermont restores wages that had been cut, and several universities lay out spring graduation plans.