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Pandemic Pressures

Chegg surveyed students from 21 countries about their mental health, student debt, perceptions of online learning and attitudes about their countries and their futures.

The Damaging Impact of Unattainable Expectations

One subject rarely broached in debates about student mental health is the hypercompetitive atmosphere that colleges and universities foster through their marketing, argues Caleb Wellum.

Liberal Arts Meets Women's Leadership in Health

Women’s liberal arts college is not the first to orient its curriculum around a singular topic, and experts say it likely won't be the last.

COVID Conduct

The dismissal of a graduate student for noncompliance with COVID testing policy at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign prompted an outcry among fellow students and raised questions about how far institutions should go to enforce rules and punish violators.

Not Going Quietly

These four professors aren't giving up their tenured positions at Canisius College without a fight -- in court.

Approaching Normalcy?

As vaccinations continue, colleges and universities announce plans for more in-person instruction this fall.

Cases Rise, Restrictions Begin

Cases are going up at colleges and universities, despite more testing. Some colleges have put in place tight restrictions. Others have been more flexible.

The Skinny on Teaching Evals and Bias

New analysis seeks to make sense of what's really going on with respect to gender and other kinds of bias and teaching evaluations. It offers suggestions for meaningful evaluations during COVID-19 and beyond.