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Colleges Must Learn From Sports Figures About Mental Health

The taboo against faculty and grad students admitting anxiety and depression is far greater than with professional athletes, argues Harvey J. Graff, and something colleges must reckon with.

Liberty U Resumes In-Person Classes

It acts despite hundreds of COVID-19 cases. Some of the other colleges that had moved online are also resuming normal operations.

Institutions Will Be Impacted by Biden Vaccine Mandate

President Biden announced that he is requiring large private businesses and federal contractors to mandate COVID-19 vaccinations for their employees, a move that's expected to affect colleges and universities.

Buying Time With Outdoor Classrooms

Numerous colleges have reminded faculty that they are allowed to teach their classes outside during the pandemic if they’d prefer, writes Martin Skladany, yet they should go a few steps further.

‘Crazy Catch-22’

University System of Georgia professors demand a mask mandate and more options for teaching students in quarantine. System considers disciplinary action, up to suspension, for professors who take COVID-19 mitigation into their own hands.

Libertarian Students Fight Campus Vaccine Mandates

Young Americans for Liberty organizes protests and petitions on 23 public campuses, arguing the organization “is not anti-vaccine, but rather anti-vaccine mandate.”

At a College Wounded on 9/11, Memories Endure 20 Years Later

Borough of Manhattan Community College lost eight students and alumni plus a building in the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks. On the 20th anniversary, lessons reverberate amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Colleges Go Online to Avoid COVID-19

Eastern Gateway CC, La Salle U and U of Dallas shift to online courses; Lehigh and St. Lawrence give faculty members the right to shift online; and U of Hawai‘i at Hilo gives faculty members the right to go hybrid.