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Chaos for European Exchange Students

Borders are erected and flights are canceled.

Already Looking for the Next Stimulus

College leaders were disappointed by the Senate's stimulus proposal. But they are looking ahead to getting more in another round.

‘Zoombombing’ Attacks Disrupt Classes

Online Zoom classes were disrupted by individuals spewing racist, misogynistic or vulgar content. Experts say professors using Zoom should familiarize themselves with the program's settings.

The Staffing Divide

Millions of people work on college campuses. Some are directly employed while others work as contractors. In a pandemic, that makes a difference.

Coronavirus News Roundup, March 26

Everything you need to know about higher ed and the coronavirus for Thursday in one easy-to-read package.

Hold Off or Proceed?

The coronavirus pandemic is presenting barriers to conducting "prompt and equitable" investigations of sexual misconduct on college campuses, as required by law. College administrators weigh whether to continue investigations or put things on hold.

Prioritizing the Urgent, Important and Necessary

College leadership teams across the country are working to determine how to tackle the next most important thing while they respond to the coronavirus outbreak.

Privacy and the Online Pivot

Colleges are scrambling to move courses online. But with those changes come concerns over privacy and surveillance.