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No Work, No Rent

Columbia TAs who say they can't make ends meet due to the economic fallout of the pandemic launch work and rent stoppage.

Coronavirus News Roundup for April 28

Everything you need to know for Tuesday about higher ed and the coronavirus in one easy-to-read package (with some distractions to help your sanity).

More Cause for Concern About Fall Enrollment

One in six students who'd planned to attend four-year colleges full-time no longer plan to do so, private polling says. Data show cause for concern even about those who've already put down deposits.

Pricing Pressures Escalate

The second economic crisis in a dozen years could take a bite out of colleges' ability to set prices, but pressures were mounting long before the coronavirus arrived.

Will Parents Pay?

Survey finds they are skeptical of online-only options available now -- and perhaps in the fall -- and don't want to pay regular tuition rates.

Coronavirus News Roundup for April 27

Everything you need to know for Monday and the week ahead about higher ed and the coronavirus in one easy-to-read package (with some distractions to help your sanity). Plus, a special Q&A with the president of the American Indian Higher Education Consortium.

Furman Reopens Admissions for This Year

University says it hopes to get students who had wanted to go far from home -- before COVID-19.

The Big ‘If’

Everyone's asking what happens in the fall. Nothing is firm, but some colleges are telegraphing their intentions.