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Wrong About Joshua Katz, and About Socrates

Sloppy scholarship and overarching conclusions.

Students See COVID’s Impact on Professors

Two years after initial shutdowns, students notice and have opinions on faculty performance, as our infographic shows.

Opening the Doors for Student-Faculty Connection

Due to the pandemic, current college students place higher value on personal connections with faculty, staff and peers, writes Laurel Bongiorno.

Moving Past Free Expression Theater

Students have a strong desire for constructive engagement across political divides—but are most afraid of blowback for their views from fellow students, a team of UNC researchers writes.

Afraid to Speak Up or Out

Student reluctance to speak freely on campus rose again in the last two years, according to a survey. But are things as bad as the numbers indicate?

Students Can Change the Culture of Mental Health on Campus

Colleges must maintain a continuous presence and emphasis on mental health within student life, writes Geela Ramos, an Active Minds student advocate.

Students’ Opinions of Professors Lean Positive

Asked about professors’ choices in instructional materials, fairness in grading and other factors, students rate professors highly. But there’s still work to be done.

Students Seek Stronger Connections With Professors but Rarely Take the Lead

Professors could be better about building relationships with students, many of whom hope for assistance with career planning and networking. But students may not realize their role in connecting.