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Higher Ed Failing Students as They Navigate College and Career

Providing better service to students must go well beyond just being friendlier and making office hours more convenient, writes Seth Bodnar of the University of Montana.

What Ails Our Labor Market Is Evident in College

Both colleges and employers must fix work-readiness failures and inequitable work-readiness practices, writes Brandon Busteed.

Protester Sanctions Spark Tensions at Marquette

Student protesters shut down Marquette’s convocation in August. They knew there’d be consequences—but many believe the university took the penalties too far.

Creating a Culture of College Persistence

Career development offices can work differently and better to support first-generation and other disadvantaged students, writes Brittany Wampler.

‘Cancellation’ Narratives Mistake Symptoms as Causes

Poor training in teaching is one of several deeper organizational problems underlying issues like cancel culture and self-censorship, Kyle Sebastian Vitale writes.

Voter Groups Worry About Access for Students

Efforts to boost turnout during the midterm elections among college students are increasing, with an assist from the Biden administration.

Pay, Flexible Formats and Networking Are Key Components to Successful Internships

It’s time to evolve experiential learning to keep pace with business and create greater equity and inclusion, writes Kim Churches.

‘Complicated and Messy’

Philip Goodrich offers recommendations for how student government leaders can take the lead in navigating complex free expression issues on campus.