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Want to Enhance Humanities Career Outcomes? Engage the Faculty

The job of preparing students for the workplace can’t be left to career services offices alone. Professors are key, Emily J. Levine and Nicole Hall argue.

Degree Plus?

University of Utah’s new certificate program raises a question: Do students with liberal arts degrees need more to get a job?

Handshake Deal

The rapid growth of Handshake, a career-services platform, is also raising questions about whether some students' grades are made visible to employers without permission.

Teaching Students Soft Skills

Reinhardt University launches program to train students in soft skills such as conflict management and strategic listening -- while preserving liberal arts mission.

The Changing English Major

Amid enrollment declines, speakers at Modern Language Association discuss shifts in the major, such as a de-emphasis of traditional survey and the addition of more writing-related courses.

Looking for Career Help

Today’s students are more likely to visit career centers than past graduates but less likely to rate those interactions as very helpful, a new Gallup-Purdue University study finds.

Real-World Experience and the Liberal Arts

Furman University seeks to set itself apart by focusing on students' career and research experience, and the liberal arts university will create a team of mentors for each student, often including faculty members.

The Case for College Work Programs

To increase student access and affordability, and improve the business model, a college might want to establish a work program for all its students. Lyle D. Roelofs describes the benefits.