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Cutting the Wrong Sport?

Facing deficit of $60 million, U of Akron is eliminating 215 staff positions and baseball team, while its football program is off the chopping block. Faculty members want to know why.

Class Checkers

Many colleges pay people to make sure athletes show up at each scheduled class. Critics say the programs drive another academic wedge between players and the rest of the student body.

Too Big to Fail?

U of Alabama at Birmingham's flip-flop on ending football illustrates how difficult it is to shut down a program, even a money-losing one with a so-so record.

Running Out of Time

Many teams at historically black colleges and universities struggle to reach academic progress rate required by NCAA. Next year, the challenge will be even larger.

Winning or Losing With Sports

Athletic programs at two-year colleges wax and wane depending on student interest and budget realities, but overall the number of programs appears to be holding steady.

'End of the World' for Amateurism?

At a Knight Commission meeting about the Ed O'Bannon lawsuit, discussion turns to fears about other upcoming court and labor board rulings.

'I Need My Brain'

College athletes in football and other sports are turning to early retirement, choosing to end their athletic careers to avoid the long-term effects of concussions.

Forced to Play While Injured?

A former University of Illinois football player tweets that coach and staff forced athletes to play while injured. University promises investigation, but is backing the coach.