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Academic Interference Confirmed

Rutgers University's football coach faces three-game suspension and $50,000 fine after he emailed an adjunct professor to help improve a player's grade.

Where No Band Has Gone Before

Is a marching band being punished for unsportsmanlike conduct or because a formation meant to represent the starship Enterprise struck some as ribald?

Intercollegiate Sports Go International

Pac-12 is leading an effort to globalize U.S. intercollegiate sports, with a focus on China.

Allegations of Athletic Abuse Vindicated

Illinois fires football coach whom university earlier defended against charges of making team members play while injured.

Black Eye for Baylor

Baylor's successful football program is in crisis over questions regarding the handling of a sexual assault case involving an athlete -- a controversy that could damage the university's reputation, too.

NLRB Punts on Northwestern Union

Board says it won't assert jurisdiction over whether Northwestern University athletes are employees, effectively killing their union drive. The vague decision divides experts on the prospects for athlete unions generally.

More Money ... If You Can Play Ball

NCAA rules about "cost of attendance" create a new way for universities to compete for athletes, but these changes in financial aid calculations don't appear to be helping non-athletes.

A Different Perspective on Concussions

College football conferences agree that putting additional medical spotters in replay booths is a good idea, but they're debating about giving those observers the power to stop a game.