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2016 Academic Performance Bracket

Inside Higher Ed's 11th annual academic bracket for the NCAA men's basketball tournament. And the winner is ...

Iffy Spring 'Break' for Football Players

University of Michigan's head coach scheduled a series of practices during a spring break trip to Florida, prompting outcry from those urging colleges to ease the time demands on athletes. Some say the controversy is overblown.

Athletes' Postcollege Outcomes

New Gallup-Purdue study finds comparatively high levels of well-being and engagement among college athletes.

Fair Play?

In the aftermath of events at the University of Missouri, Eric D. Bentley examines whether athletes at public higher education institutions across the nation have a First Amendment right to strike.

Zero-Sum Game

Recent athletics cuts at several HBCUs raise questions about the role of sports at small, private colleges.

Flirting With Professional Sports

New NCAA rules allow basketball players to enter the draft multiple times and let baseball players hire agents.

Kicking the Can?

At NCAA meeting, top conferences frustrate athletes by tabling proposals about time demands, but pass legislation granting full authority to team physicians and trainers in decisions involving injured players.

Mental Health of College Athletes

National Collegiate Athletic Association releases new guidelines on dealing with the mental health of college athletes, an issue that remains a top concern for the association's chief medical officer.