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Students Disengage From Controversy

Many students were hesitant to discuss controversial topics in the classroom and felt their campuses' climate did not allow for open discourse during the fall 2020 semester, according to a new report.

Moving Beyond Binary Thinking

Mike Krause offers two key ways colleges can build a more flexible path toward student success after the pandemic.

A Spike in Cheating Since the Move to Remote?

New research finds jump in number of questions submitted to "homework help" website Chegg after start of pandemic, an increase the authors say is very likely linked to rise in cheating.

Who Needs Remediation?

No one, argues Alexandra W. Logue.

From Surviving to Thriving

The pandemic has forced institutions to reckon finally with the fundamental issues of the true value of higher education from a student's perspective, Peter Lake and Rob Buelow write.

New Degree Programs Produce Few Diplomas

A large number of recently launched degree programs fail to graduate many students. Is poor planning to blame?

The Boomer Cult of Self-Realization Is Killing College

Colleges have in recent decades placed student discovery ahead of pathways and outcomes. Today’s students need a more practical approach, Ryan Craig argues.