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Liberty U. Alters Policy on Political Clubs

LIberty University, which has been under criticism for denying recognition to a campus Democratic group, on Monday announced a new...

Another Controversial Departure at DePaul Law School

Just days after DePaul University ousted a popular law dean in a dispute over how much of the law school's...

Texas Governor Vetoes Bill on Student Insurance

Texas Gov. Rick Perry on Friday vetoed House Bill 103, which would have made Texas the first state to require...

Demographic Challenges Ahead, SREB Says

LANSDOWNE, Va. -- The higher education pipeline in 16 southern states is filled with the very students who historically have...

Investment Backing for 2 Higher Ed Ventures

Two higher education experiments have received high-profile financial boosts. Jack Welch, the former CEO of General Electric, has invested more...

Lawmakers Ask National Academies to Study Ways to Help Research Universities

Four members of Congress have sent a letter asking the National Academies to appoint a national commission to identify the...

Arizona Will Vote on Affirmative Action

The Arizona Legislature has voted to place on the 2010 state ballot a proposal to bar state agencies -- including...

NACIQI Lives, or Will Soon ...

Last August, Congress pulled the plug on the National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity, amid a sense that...