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Israel Plans Endowment to Fight Professorial Brain Drain

Israel's prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, on Sunday announced that the government will develop plans for an endowment to be used...

Healthier (Sometimes Stealth) Campus Dining

More colleges are making portions smaller and adding nutritious ingredients (sometimes without telling) in efforts to encourage healthier eating habits...

Harvard Group Rescinds Invitation to Anti-Immigrant Speaker

A Harvard University student group has rescinded an invitation to Jim Gilchrist, founder of the Minuteman Project, to speak at...

U. of Cal. Shelves Idea of Higher Fees for Some Majors

The University of California is shelving, but may return to, a controversial idea of differential tuition rates based on major...

Wheeling Jesuit Refuses to Investigate Board Member

Wheeling Jesuit University has refused the request of a group that represents survivors of victims of sexual abuse by clergy...

Flag Flap at U. of New Hampshire

A freshman at the University of New Hampshire has set off a debate there over the American flag. The student...

Video of Arrest at Western Ontario Angers Students

Students at the University of Western Ontario are expressing anger and concern about the arrest of a student Wednesday, based...

Colorado Gov. Taps Cabinet Member to Head Higher Ed Agency

Weeks after the well-respected head of Colorado's Department of Higher Education quit in a spat with Gov. Bill Ritter, the...