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Oregon Voters OK Tax Increases

Oregon's normally tax-skeptical voters on Tuesday approved two tax increases that will limit further cuts to state support for education...

California Budget Idea -- Praised by Higher Ed -- Criticized

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger pleased higher education leaders this month by proposing that the state's Constitution be amended to ensure...

Guns on Campus (for Professors Only)

Pro-gun organizations have angered many educators in the last year with bills that would end bans on carrying concealed weapons...

AAUP Launches New Journal on Academic Freedom

The American Association of University Professors has launched a new Journal of Academic Freedom, which will be published annually or...

College Backs Down in Fight on Ceramic Crosses

Eastfield Collge, in Texas, will let students in its ceramics classes make crosses after all. The college has banned crosses...

Caltech Faces Another Suicide

A leading figure in physics, Andrew Lange of the California Institute of Technology, killed himself last week, leaving many of...

A Rally the U. of California Regents Can Join

Regents and senior administrators have come in for tough criticism at campus protests in the last year, with many students...

Bill Gates Outlines Interest in Online Learning

What would Bill Gates fund? That's the question many in higher education want to know and his annual letter about...