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Study Questions Value of Teach for America

Teach for America may be far less successful than its publicity suggests, according to a policy brief from the Education...

Amid Criticism, President of Indiana U. of Pennsylvania Quits

Tony Atwater announced Wednesday that he is stepping down as president of Indiana University of Pennsylvania to take a senior...

New Name for Career College Group

LAS VEGAS -- First it was the National Association of Trade and Technical Schools. Then the Career College Association. Now...

Wayne State Will Continue Helen Thomas Award

Wayne State University announced Wednesday that it will maintain its Helen Thomas Spirit of Diversity Award, to honor journalists, despite...

New Analysis on Poverty and Education

The Institute for Higher Education Policy is today releasing a report, "A Portrait of Low-Income Young Adults in Education," with...

Good News for Endangered Philosophy Program

There may be hope for a key research team in philosophy at Britain's Middlesex University. Times Higher Education reported that...

Giving to Education Drops 3.6%

Education at all levels received just over $40 billion in gifts in 2009, a drop of 3.6 percent from the...

U. of California System Threatens Boycott Over Journal Prices

University of California officials are contemplating a widescale boycott of the Nature Publishing Group because of concerns over ever-rising prices...