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House Panel Plans Hearing on Accreditation and Program Length

The House of Representatives education committee said Thursday that it would hold a hearing next week to examine how regional...

Rutgers Calls Off Scheduled Raises

Rutgers University is calling off raises scheduled to go into effect over the next few weeks for just about all...

Top IT Issues

Educause has released the results of its latest survey of CIOs on top technology issues, with finance issues on top...

Oxford Sees Scholarly Hesitancy on Open Access

Academics remain reluctant to allow their journal articles to be deposited in open-access repositories, according to the Oxford University Press...

Marquette Settles With Woman Whose Job Offer Was Revoked

Marquette University announced Wednesday that it has reached a "mutually acceptable resolution” with Jodi O’Brien, a scholar who was offered...

With Library Closed, Students Create Their Own

At California State University at Los Angeles, budget cuts have the library closing at 8 every night, leaving many students...

Blind Students Sue Over Online Law School Applications

The National Federation of the Blind is expanding its challenge to the Law School Admissions Council's online system for law...

President of Concordia of Minnesota Dies

Dr. Pamela M. Jolicoeur, president of Concordia College in Minnesota, died Wednesday after suffering a stroke. She was 65, and...