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Critics See Cronyism Holding Back Spain's Universities

Spain's government has set up a special committee to consider reforms for Spanish universities, Times Higher Education reported. In part...

U.Va. Rector Objected to Course on Lady Gaga

Helen Dragas, a University of Virginia board member, last year objected (when she was serving as rector, or board chair)...

Coursera Tops 1 Million Students

Coursera, the company that provides support and Web hosting for massive open online courses at top universities, announced Thursday that...

New Research on Value of Diversity

Monday is the deadline for briefs backing the University of Texas at Austin in its Supreme Court defense of the...

University Confirms Allegations on 'Oxford American'

The literary world has been stunned to learn of the ouster of Marc Smirnoff as editor of The Oxford American...

Big Jump in Student Debt for Well-Off Families

The biggest jump in student borrowing (by economic group) between 2007 and 2010 was from families with incomes of $94,535...

Deep Springs Moves Ahead With Coeducation

Deep Springs College on Wednesday formally invited women to apply for admission to the class that will enroll in the...

U.Va. Alumni Continue to Critique Board

A group of engaged University of Virginia alumni released a public letter Wednesday calling for the university's board to be...