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Iranian Universities Ban Women From Many Fields

Woman have been banned from 77 fields of study at 36 Iranian universities, The New York Times reported. At many...

West Virginia U. Named Top Party School

It's a ranking that makes many administrators cringe: top party school. On Monday, Princeton Review gave the "honor" to West...

$81,000 in the Desk Drawer

Missouri State University officials said Tuesday that they had fired Mark Brixey as bookstore manager after he couldn't account for...

New Highs in Latino Enrollments

Latino enrollments in higher education passed several milestones in 2011, according to a new report from the Pew Hispanic Center...

Irish University Admits, Enrolls 100 Extra Students in Error

Officials at the University of Ulster, having mistakenly offered admission to all 370 students who applied for its 194 slots...

Academic Minute: Mars Rover Laser

In today’s Academic Minute, Darby Dyar of Mount Holyoke College explains one of the more spectacular instruments aboard the Mars...

Arrest Over Lab Behavior

A lab technician at Georgia Health Sciences University has been arrested and charged with public drunkenness after authorities said that...

Binge Drinking Makes Students Happy

With regularity, new studies document the dangers to college students of binge drinking, generally defined as four drinks at a...