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Help for Students Who Bought the Art Book Without Art

OCAD University, an arts institution in Toronto, is reporting progress on dealing with the student uproar over a $180 customized...

Cornell Criticizes Fake E-Mail in President's Name

Cornell University officials are criticizing an e-mail sent to student leaders by an unknown person with the fake signature of...

Protest Over Protest Rule at Christopher Newport U.

Christopher Newport University, following a protest letter from the American Civil Liberties Union of Virginia, may change its protest policy...

Concerns About Financial Aid Delays

Problems with linking Internal Revenue Service data to the Free Application for Federal Student Aid have led to delays in...

Academic Minute: Australopithecine Diet

In today’s Academic Minute, Darryl de Ruiter of Texas A&M University reveals what we can lean about the diet of...

Grand Canyon Lands Campus in Massachusetts

The owners of the Hobby Lobby craft store chain on Friday announced that they would give a 217-acre former high...

Despite NCAA Efforts, Concussion Rates Hold Steady

A survey commissioned by the National Collegiate Athletic Association found that despite rules changes and legislation, the frequency of concussions...

London Met Students Can Continue Studies

London Metropolitan University’s international students will have the opportunity to continue their studies at the institution, assuming their visa status...