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Colleges Close to Prepare for Hurricane Sandy

Colleges in several Eastern states announced plans to be closed today (and in some cases tomorrow and Wednesday) as a...

LSU Combines Positions of President and Chancellor

Louisiana State University's board voted Friday to combine the positions of system president and chancellor of the flagship campus at...

Colleges Urged to Extend Nov. 1 Admissions Deadlines

The National Association for College Admission Counseling is urging colleges to be flexible about the Nov. 1 deadlines many institutions...

Senate Report Accuses Company of Manipulating Researchers' Studies

A U.S. Senate report Thursday accused the pharmaceutical company Medtronic of heavily editing and even writing sections of journal articles...

Academic Minute: The Appeal of Jane Austen’s Characters

In today’s Academic Minute, Amy Smith of the University of the Pacific probes the international appeal of the characters that...

Georgia Regents Try Again in Naming Merged University

With their original name -- Georgia Regents University -- for the entity that emerged from the combination of Georgia Health...

Parents Worry About U. of Tokyo Calendar Shift

The University of Tokyo is planning to shift the start of its academic year to the fall, and the move...

Are Non-U.S. Graduate Degrees a Political Liability?

Political bloggers and columnists were having fun Thursday with an ad by the South Dakota Republican Party that seems to...