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Private Colleges Urge Changes to U.S. Test of Institutions' Finances

A task force convened by the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities released a final report Wednesday that recommends...

Conference Merry-Go-Round: Louisville to the Atlantic Coast

The Atlantic Coast Conference on Wednesday invited the University of Louisville to join the sports league, replacing the departing University...

China May Regulate Recruiting Agents

Reports have been circulating in China that the government may impose new rules on agents who recruit students for colleges...

Researcher Honored for Work on Finnish Education

Pasi Sahlberg, who directs Finland's Center for International Mobility and Cooperation, is today being named winner of the 2013 University...

Students Protest Ouster of Alabama State President

Several hundred students at Alabama State University held a series of rallies Tuesday to protest the ouster of the new...

Grawemeyer Award for Psychology

Irving Gottesman is being named today as the winner of the 2013 University of Louisville Grawemeyer Award for Psychology. The...

Extreme Conference Makeover: Tulane and East Carolina Join Big East

The almost total transformation of the Big East Conference over the last decade continued apace Tuesday, with news that Tulane...

Americans Support Higher Ed and Online Degrees, Poll Finds

A large majority of Americans who have attended college believe higher education is a good investment (83 percent) and key...