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New Strategy for Unions at Michigan Colleges

Unions at several Michigan colleges and universities are exploring the possibility of agreeing now to extend contracts so that they...

New Data on Global Competition for Ph.D. Talent

A new paper based on survey data from scientists in 16 countries compares the relative strengths of the United States...

Accreditation Crisis Updates for California Community Colleges

Two California community colleges received good news from their accreditor this week, with an easing of possible sanctions from the...

Academic Minute: Megafauna Diets and Extinction

In today’s Academic Minute, Larisa DeSantis of Vanderbilt University reveal what North America’s largest predators were eating just before they...

Are U. of Texas Regents Again Gunning for Bill Powers?

Last year -- with strong support from students, professors and alumni -- William Powers Jr. held on to his job...

Coach Wins a Student Tuition for a Semester With Half-Court Shot

Like many colleges, Brandon University, in Manitoba, has a contest at home basketball games: A student is picked at random...

The Latest Student Trend: Banana University

We can't say we're sure why this is taking off at Boston University or whether it will spread, but the...

Tuition for Undergrads Again Under Consideration at Cooper Union

The Cooper Union, which has traditionally awarded full scholarships to all students but which last year started charging tuition to...