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Most Frequently Awarded Grade at Harvard: A

The most frequently awarded grade for undergraduates at Harvard University is an A, and the median grade is A-. University...

Academic Minute: Baseball and Schadenfreude

In today’s Academic Minute, Susan Fiske of Princeton University reveals what baseball rivalries can teach us about why we sometime...

Princeton U. Considers Homegrown MOOC Platform

Instructors at Princeton University discussed developing a homegrown massive open online course platform during a faculty meeting on Monday, The...

College Algebra and Career Readiness

Students who complete algebra II while they are in high school are more likely to succeed in college, according to...

Study: Out-of-Pocket Costs in Most of Higher Education Rising

Students during the 2011-12 academic year paid, on average, higher immediate out-of-pocket costs to attend public and private colleges than...

Students Blame Colleges for Debt Woes

A national poll of four-year college students has found that they are more likely to blame colleges than other institutions...

Report: For-Profit Caribbean Med Schools Use ‘Loophole’ to Tap Federal Funds

Some for-profit medical schools in the Caribbean that are ineligible for federal student aid programs have been encouraging their students...

Education Department Launches Site Aimed at Guidance Counselors

The Obama administration on Wednesday unveiled a new web portal aimed at the people who help students and families prepare...