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Trending Hashtag in Academe: #SixWordPeerReview

What are those peer reviewers really saying, in six words? Check out the hastag #SixWordPeerReview. Some of the entries: You...

Purdue U. Student Held in Alleged Murder of a Classmate

A Purdue University undergraduate is facing a murder charge in the shooting death Tuesday of another student at the university...

Education Dept. Postpones ‘Technical Symposium’ on Ratings

The Education Department, citing weather conditions, has canceled its “ technical symposium” on the proposed college ratings system that was...

How Not to Use Laptops Given to You by Your University

Brent Sandy, a music professor at the University of Iowa, is facing multiple criminal charges after he reported his university-issued...

Academic Minute: Language Learning Computer

In today’s Academic Minute, Tom Mitchell of Carnegie Mellon University introduces us to NELL, a language learning computer. Learn more...

U. of California Pledges 20% Reduction in Water Use by 2020

With California facing potentially dangerous shortages of water, the University of California System has pledged a 20 percent reduction in...

Study: Measuring Student Learning Is Now the Norm

A survey of senior academic affairs officers in higher education has found that 84 percent of their institutions have common...

Professors Doubt Value of Consultant at Louisville

Faculty members are raising questions about the value of a consultant -- hired for $1.1 million, primarily with no-bid contracts...