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Poll: Americans Value Medical Research, Ignorant of Lawmakers' Views

Americans care (sort of) about what politicians think about supporting medical research, according to a new poll by Research!America, which...

Nixed Honorary Degree Recipient Condemns Brandeis

While Brandeis University was facing criticism for planning to award an honorary doctorate to Ayaan Hirsi Ali, she remained largely...

Poll: Students Value Academic, Not Just Recreational Facilities

A new poll of undergraduates by Steelcase Education being released today has found that when asked about locations on campus...

Brandeis Calls Off Controversial Honorary Degree

Brandeis University announced Tuesday that it will not award an honorary doctorate it had planned to issue to Ayaan Hirsi...

Academic Minute: Ancient Lineage of Flower DNA

In today’s Academic Minute, Victor Albert of the State University of New York at Buffalo, discusses his work looking deeply...

Duncan Defends Ratings System to Congress

Education Secretary Arne Duncan on Tuesday defended the Obama administration’s proposed college ratings system to several Republican lawmakers, who criticized...

Survey Finds Gender Divide on Students' Financial Literacy

A new survey has found that male students outperformed their female counterparts on financial literacy aptitude questions but reported behavior...

South Carolina State Diverted Funds to Deal With Deficits

South Carolina officials have determined that South Carolina State University diverted $6.5 million in funds intended for low-income families to...