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Poll: Business Leaders Seek Higher Ed Improvements

Most business leaders (54 percent) believe the U.S. higher education system lags behind those of both developed and emerging countries...

University Groups Call for Closing 'Innovation Deficit'

With the heads of federal science agencies set to testify at a Senate hearing today, a coalition of 50 research...

Protests on Anti-Gay Policy of Canadian Law School

A new law school at Canada's Trinity Western University, in British Columbia, appeared to have won all necessary approvals last...

Anger Over $480,418 Payout After 7-Month Presidency

Students at Illinois State University are protesting a $480,418 payout to Timothy Flanagan, who served as president for seven months...

Jumpstarting Competency-Based Ed

The Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) has picked 14 institutions to participate in a "jumpstart" program for competency-based...

Academic Minute: Galaxy Gas and Star Production

In today’s Academic Minute, D.J. Pisano, assistant professor of physics and astronomy at West Virginia University, explains his studies of...

Doane College Will Pay for Referrals

Doane College has announced that it will pay students and alumni who refer new students to the institution's School of...

South Carolina State U. Running Out of Money

South Carolina State University is running out of money, and lacks the funds to make payroll next month, The Times...