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Man Returns Book to U. of Liverpool, 61 Years Later

Ron Webster was a research assistant at the University of Liverpool in 1953 when he accidentally took a library book...

Civil Liberties Groups Criticize South Carolina Response to Gay Books

The South Carolina Legislature has approved a measure -- signed into law by Governor Nikki Haley, a Republican -- that...

Audio: Student Loans / Accreditation Furor

In the latest "This Week" audio newscast, the financial aid expert Sandy Baum joined Inside Higher Ed's Scott Jaschik and...

Police Chief Investigated for Sexual Messages to Student

An outside investigation has concluded that Michael Marzion, the police chief at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, engaged in...

Academic Minute: Treadmill Desks

In today's Academic Minute, Avner Ben-Ner, a professor at the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management, discusses the physiological...

A Semester at King's College: Less Than 28 Bitcoins

King's College in New York is styling itself the first U.S. institution to allow students to pay for their tuition...

Stanford Refuses to Expel Student in Sex Assault Case

Stanford University has declined to expel a student found by the institution to have committed a sexual assault, The Bay...

Cal State Sees Gains in Students With Health Coverage

A campaign to encourage students in the California State University System to get health insurance has made significant gains, The...