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Inequity on Rise in Higher Education

Rising costs and lower government aid have made it more difficult for lower-income students to earn a college degree, according...

Wisconsin Gov. Wants to Cut For-Profit Regulatory Board

The budget proposal from Wisconsin's Republican governor, Scott Walker, would eliminate the regulatory board that oversees the state's 244 for-profit...

Is Ariel U. Inflating Its Journal Article Totals?

Israeli authorities are investigating the practice of a former professor at the University of California at Santa Cruz of listing...

Boston U. Won't Divest From Gun Companies

The board of Boston University announced Monday that it has rejected a proposal from a campus group that the university...

Progress on Transfer in California

California's community colleges and the California State University System continue to make "notable progress" in creating smoother transfer pathways for...

Prior-Learning Credit at Pennsylvania's Community Colleges

Pennsylvania's 14 community colleges on Monday announced a project to help adult students earn more credit for their prior learning...

Princeton Review Takes Further Action Against UMKC

The Princeton Review announced Monday that it is taking additional action against the University of Missouri at Kansas City, in...

Study: Close Education Gaps and Economy Will Improve

A new study by the Washington Center for Equitable Growth, a research organization that focuses on income inequality, argues that...