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Survey: Americans View Community College as Smart Financial Move

A majority of Americans surveyed by WGBH News said they would encourage high school students to attend community college rather...

Study: Law Schools Admit Those Unlikely to Pass Bar

The number of law schools admitting students at serious risk of never passing bar exams is up significantly, according to...

University Bans Zombies at Zombiefest

Florida Gulf Coast University will host a Halloween haunted house on Wednesday called Zombiefest. But The News-Press reported that no...

Albany State U Plans 'Deactivation' of 15 Programs

Rumors have been circulating for months that Albany State University, a historically black institution in Georgia, was planning a major...

Academic Minute: Companionship Care

Today on the Academic Minute, Darcia Narvaez, professor of psychology at the University of Notre Dame, informs us that receiving...

U of Mississippi Removes Flag With Confederate Symbol

The University of Mississippi Police Department quietly lowered the state flag early Monday from its position atop a flagpole in...

2 More Colleges Go Test Optional on Admissions

The College of Idaho and Salem State University are both dropping requirements that all applicants submit SAT or ACT scores...

Fraternity Group's Tips for Avoiding Offensive Parties

The North-American Interfraternity Conference -- whose members are no strangers to racist parties and costumes -- posted a series of...