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Doubts Raised on Findings on Low-Income Students

still working on this one - sjMany educators have expressed concern about the findings in a new analysis from the...

U of Colorado at Colorado Springs Police Officer Killed in Shooting at Planned Parenthood

A police officer who was among the three people killed Friday in a shootout at a Planned Parenthood clinic in...

'Brain Boomerang' for Chinese Science

Increasing numbers of young Chinese scientists intend to study outside their home country, but to return within five years, according...

U of Arizona Publicizes Theft of Painting 30 Years Ago

The University of Arizona Museum of Art marked an anniversary of sorts this weekend, but not an event the institution...

Temple Adjuncts Join Existing Faculty Union

Adjunct faculty members at Temple University have voted to unionize and to join the Temple Association of University Professionals, which...

U of Melbourne Criticized for Buildings Named for Racists

American colleges are not the only ones facing criticism for buildings named for people who advocated racist ideas and policies...

University President: 'This Is Not Day Care'

At a time when many college presidents are responding with sympathy to students who say speakers or faculty members make...

Political Science Group Moves Ahead on Transparency

The American Political Science Association is moving forward with plans to adopt new transparency standards for published research, over many...