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NCES: Most Borrowers Held Loans 4 Years After Completing Degree

A new report from the National Center for Education Statistics finds that 63 percent of college graduates still held student...

Berkeley Sued Over Ann Coulter Event

The University of California, Berkeley, was sued Monday by Young America's Foundation and Berkeley College Republicans. The suit charges the...

Kristina Johnson Will Be Next Chancellor of SUNY

Kristina M. Johnson will be named the next chancellor of the State University of New York System today, The New...

Student Kicked Out of Gym for Crop Top

A College of Charleston student was kicked out of the campus recreational center last week for wearing a crop top...

Wheaton of Illinois Student Killed at Track Meet

A freshman at Wheaton College in Illinois was killed Saturday afternoon during a track and field event for which he...

New Post for President Who Survived Ouster Attempt

Washington & Jefferson College announced Friday that its next president will be John C. Knapp (right), president of Hope College...

Saint Rose Faculty Call for President's Ouster

Faculty at the College of Saint Rose voted last week to request that its president, Carolyn Stefanco, be removed from...

FAMU Faculty Members Air Concerns Over Pharmacy Dean

Over a dozen Florida A&M University faculty members detailed their concerns about the dean of the pharmacy college in a...