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Over a dozen Florida A&M University faculty members detailed their concerns about the dean of the pharmacy college in a letter sent to administrators and the Board of Trustees last week, The Tallahassee Democrat reported.
At an informal discussion in March, faculty members pointed out many issues they had with Michael Thompson, dean of the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at FAMU. However, in the letter sent to the interim provost, interim president and Faculty Senate president, the 15 faculty members wrote that those issues had not been addressed.
The letter was written and sent days after one employee at COPPS broke a colleague’s nose during an argument in the lobby of the pharmacy college building, according to The Democrat.
It also comes after FAMU learned its most recent graduates posted a 59.9 percent first-time passing rate on the national licensure exam for pharmacy. With that pass rate, FAMU is last among 129 colleges whose students take the same exam.
The faculty members who penned the letter told The Democrat that it was written as a call for action -- they want to address the low test scores and internal struggles at COPPS and propel the program forward. FAMU’s pharmacy college accounts for 60 percent of the country’s black graduates in pharmaceutical sciences.