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DeVos Urged to Restore Loan Servicing Protections

More than 130 Democratic lawmakers called on Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Wednesday to reinstate consumer protections for student borrowers in...

Trump Tax Proposal Unclear for Higher Ed

President Trump released a tax proposal Wednesday that would dramatically cut both individual and corporate tax rates. The plan is...

Fannie Mae Allows Home Owners to Swap Student Loan Debt for Mortgage Debt

Fannie Mae, the largest backer of mortgage credit in the country, has issued new guidelines allowing home owners to refinance...

Report: Community Colleges Split on OER Adoption

Roadblocks to OER adaption include time, lack of faculty awareness and materials and source credibility.

New President at University of Phoenix

Peter Cohen was formerly with McGraw-Hill Education.

Is Blackboard Stretching Itself Too Thin?

Blackboard wants to be a cutting-edge software provider and support colleges using older versions. Analysts and some colleges worry the company is taking on too much.

Wanted: Nursing Instructors

In addition to the shortage of nurses, there's a short supply of nurses with advanced degrees who want to teach at colleges and universities.

Middlebury Professor Sorry for Co-Sponsoring Murray Talk

Prior to the visit of Charles Murray to Middlebury -- where he was shouted down by students -- the political...