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Moving Student Loans to Treasury Gets Little Traction

The Trump administration has held internal discussions about relocating some functions of the Department of Education to other federal agencies...

Maryland Governor Vetoes ‘Ban the Box’ Bill

Maryland Governor Larry Hogan has vetoed legislation that would have barred colleges from asking about a prospective student’s criminal history...

Sister Joel Read, Assessment Pioneer, Dies

Sister Joel Read (right), former president of Alverno College, died Thursday at the age of 91. She was named president...

Controversy Over Diversity Office at Salem College

Salem College, which faced protests this year from minority students, has dismissed the head of its Office of Diversity and...

Chinese Professor Blocked From Social Media

A law professor at Peking University who has been a prominent critic of the Chinese government will no longer publish...

Sierra Nevada Puts Faculty Contracts on Hold

Sierra Nevada College has notified all faculty members, who normally receive contracts for the next academic year in May, that...

Creighton Will Cut 60 Nonfaculty Jobs

Creighton University has announced that it is cutting 60 nonfaculty jobs, some through eliminating vacant positions, but many through layoffs...

Former Towson Frat Member Guilty of Hazing

A former fraternity member at Towson University was found guilty of hazing this week. Alexander Cantor, 22, was found guilty...