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Report: City Colleges of Chicago Fudged Graduation Numbers

(Update: This article has been changed to include a statement from City Colleges.) A new report from the Better Government...

University Clears TA Who Was Interrogated

Wilfrid Laurier University has formally cleared a teaching assistant of doing anything improper in using a debate video in class...

Academic Minute: LGBTQ Homeless

Today on the Academic Minute, part of Cornell College Week, Erin Davis, professor of sociology at Cornell, in Iowa, looks...

White House May Restrict Some Foreign Students

A National Security Strategy document issued by the White House Monday reiterated the Trump administration’s commitment to increasing vetting of...

Women Are Majority of New Medical Students

For the first time ever, women make up a majority (50.7 percent) of those enrolling in medical school, according to...

Arkansas Baptist College Fires President

Arkansas Baptist College has fired Joseph L. Jones as president. Jones has served for 15 months. While details were not...

Protest at DeVos Commencement Address

In a commencement address to University of Baltimore graduates Monday, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos praised the institution for shaping its...

Study Looks at National Policies and Student Flows

A new paper examining the ways in which national policies affect international student enrollments finds that the short-term response to...