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Scholars Defend Stanford Professor Receiving Threats

Nearly 600 supporters of David Palumbo-Liu, the Louise Hewlett Nixon Professor and professor of comparative literature at Stanford University, have...

Digital Learning in 'Inside Higher Ed' This Week

This week's digital learning content in Inside Higher Ed: A report from the Student Public Interest Research Groups asserts that...

Yodel-Ay-Hee-Hoo! New Degree in Switzerland

A Swiss university is starting degree programs in yodeling, the BBC reported. The Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts...

Columbia Won't Negotiate With Graduate Union

Columbia University announced Tuesday that it will not negotiate with the union graduate student teaching assistants voted a year ago...

Early-Childhood Program Linked to College Success

Inner-city children who participated in an intensive childhood education program in Chicago from preschool to third grade were more likely...

Gainful-Employment Rule Without Sanctions?

The U.S. Department of Education on Monday distributed proposals for rewriting the gainful-employment rule, which the Trump administration halted last...

Academic Minute: Treating Type 2 Diabetes

Today on the Academic Minute, Rachel Perry, associate research scientist at Yale University, looks into this question. Learn more about...

Dutch University Won't Offer Degrees on China Campus

The University of Groningen, in the Netherlands, announced on Monday that it will “reconsider” its plans for a campus in...