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Research Study Sizes Up Tech Boot Camps

Boot camps have been hailed by policy makers as a cost-effective and fast way to provide workers with new tech...

Warning on Short-Term Health Insurance

The American College Health Association is cautioning institutions to avoid even indirectly promoting short-term health-care plans that it says are...

Sudden Resignation at U of Mobile

The president of the University of Mobile, Tim Smith, resigned this week, citing personal reasons, reported. He had been...

Anger Over Allegheny Student's Artwork

A student at Allegheny College has removed from display a large work (below) depicting violence and division in American society...

Academic Minute: Art and the Black Farmer

Today on the Academic Minute, part of Swarthmore College Week, Syd Carpenter, a professor of studio art, explores how art...

Court Rules Against U.S. in Loan-Forgiveness Suit

A federal district judge last week said the Education Department must reconsider the cases of three lawyers who sued in...

Dutch University Drops Dutch Degree

Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam is eliminating a bachelor’s degree program in Dutch due to low enrollments, the NL Times, an...

Lil Pump Is No Angela Merkel

Lil Pump (at right), the rapper, has a new album out called "Harverd Dropout." (That's sic on Harverd, not Harvard.)...