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Faculty Vote No Confidence in Maricopa's Chancellor

Faculty groups at nine of the 10 colleges in the Maricopa County Community College District last week voted no confidence...

Bob Kerrey Won't Give Creighton Commencement Speech

Bob Kerrey, a former U.S. senator from Nebraska, has dropped out of plans to give the commencement speech this year...

Hampshire College Accreditation at Risk

The New England Commission on Higher Education announced Friday that it has given a "show cause" order to Hampshire College...

Report on Allegations Against Chancellor's Husband

At least seven and possibly as many as 10 women -- students and employees of the University of Wisconsin at...

MD Anderson 'Ousts' 3 Researchers Flagged by NIH

MD Anderson Cancer Center has “ousted” three researchers after the National Institutes of Health informed it that the researchers had...

Academic Minute: Newspaper Coverage of Opioid Addiction

Today on the Academic Minute, part of University of Dayton Week, Chad Painter, assistant professor of communication, describes how newspapers'...

New Coach Compares Work Effort to That of Professors

Mike Anderson was named Friday as the new head men's basketball coach at St. John's University in New York after...

Warren Calls for Cancellation of Student Debt

Senator Elizabeth Warren, a Massachusetts Democrat seeking her party’s presidential nomination, on Monday released a proposal to cancel the student...