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All 3 Killed by UNLV Shooter Were Professors

All three of the people shot to death on the campus of the University of Nevada at Las Vegas Wednesday...

Icahn School of Medicine Postdoctoral Researchers Strike

Postdoctoral researchers at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai started striking Wednesday, following what their union said has...

Reducing Bias in Children by Explaining the Causes: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute, part of New York University Week: Rachel Leshin, a Ph.D. candidate in the psychology department...

3 Dead in Shooting at UNLV

A gunman killed three people on the University of Nevada at Las Vegas campus Wednesday afternoon, The Las Vegas Review-Journal...

Education Department Opens 5 More Title VI Investigations

The Education Department is investigating alleged discrimination involving shared ancestry at five more colleges and universities, according to its updated...

Pell Grants for Short-Term Programs Get Bipartisan Backing

A cross-party coalition of representatives introduced a new bill Tuesday that would set aside Pell Grant funding for short-term postsecondary...

Survey: Pay Equity Lags for Higher Ed Administrators

Though the number of women in higher education leadership roles has increased since 2002, pay equity hasn’t kept pace, according...

AAUP: DeSantis’s Florida Part of ‘Assault on Democracy Worldwide’

The American Association of University Professors released a report today saying Ron DeSantis’s words and actions “come from the same...