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Tighter Regulations for For-Profits?

The Department of Education begins the process of writing new regulations limiting what for-profit institutions can count as nonfederal sources of revenue with two public hearings this week.

Philanthropies Help HBCUs Take Their Education Online

United Negro College Fund and Complete College America support Black colleges’ efforts to upgrade their expertise and replicate their unique educational offerings digitally.

Enrollments Still Falling 2 Years Into Pandemic

Experts hoped college enrollments would rebound this fall. New data show that while selective institutions have seen their numbers recover, most others continue to struggle.

Black Panther Party: A Textbook Case of Biased History

Today’s students must understand the legacy of older generations of Black movement leaders, writes Fredrika Newton, a former member of the party and the wife of its co-founder.

After 95 Years, an Uncertain Future

A community college newspaper, which served as a pipeline to media jobs for students, struggles amid a pandemic and enrollment declines.

Fall Enrollment Drops Bring Fresh Worries

Enrollment rates at community colleges continue to plummet across the country as administrators seek solutions to stanch the outward flow of students.

It’s Not Over Till It’s Over

Advocates for tuition-free community college were disappointed by President Biden’s announcement that it won’t be a part of the Build Back Better Act. But they aren’t giving up yet -- or anytime soon.

Without Financial Help, Bloomfield College Risks Closure

In an interview, President Marcheta P. Evans discusses why the 153-year-old minority-serving private college needs a philanthropic partner. Experts say it’s a risky strategy -- but it just might work.