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Lessons From the Struggle Against the Old McCarthyism

Benjamin Mitchell-Yellin looks to the past to better understand the alarming present-day rise in attacks on what can and can’t be taught.

Bringing Students Back, Moving Them Forward

Student success coaches contacted 27,000 students who dropped out at 25 colleges and universities. The coaches re-enrolled 3,000 students this academic year.

More Police on Campus Won’t Prevent Gun Violence

Instead, urban universities should reckon with long-standing failures to prioritize the well-being of their communities and make meaningful, unconditional investments, Charles H. F. Davis III writes.

A Path Forward Post–Gang Life

Long Beach City College and the University of Southern California have partnered to help young people with gang associations attend and complete college.

Taking Charge of Program Viability

When faced with reorganization and possible program elimination, faculty can respond with a plan to make their programs more viable, Michael J. Cripps writes.

University of Kansas Looks to Cut 42 Academic Programs

Faculty members agree with the administration on cutting 28 programs but are fighting to keep 14 others alive. More cuts may be on the horizon for the state university system.

A Pathway Out of Intergenerational Poverty

Paul Quinn College surprised more than 400 high school seniors who were visiting the campus with offers of admission for them and their family members.

10 Things Community Colleges Must Know About General Ed

“Dizzyingly long lists” of courses meeting gen ed requirements put unhealthy pressure on students and inhibit community colleges from living up to their ideals, Terry O’Banion and Cindy L. Miles write.