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Lawmakers Vote to Vacate Tennessee State University Board

Tennessee House Republicans voted to vacate the entire board of Tennessee State University on Thursday, reversing a previous deal reached...

Helping Learners Plan Their Path Through College: Key Podcast

This week’s episode of The Key podcast explores the “guided pathways” model, which hundreds of community colleges have embraced to...
A photo of the University of Kentucky campus, showing the university’s name on a stone sign.

University of Kentucky President Proposes to Strip Faculty Body’s Power

Eli Capilouto released a “draft of principles” Wednesday that would dissolve the University Senate and replace it with an advisory group.

New Bachelor’s Degrees Coming to California Community Colleges

Six new bachelor’s degrees programs have been approved at campuses within the California Community Colleges system, according to a news...

Boston University Graduate Student Workers Strike

Boston University graduate student workers began striking Monday, calling for better pay, improved health care coverage and guaranteed childcare subsidies...
A photo illustration with a section of House Bill 2735 overlaying a photo of the University of Arizona’s campus.

Arizona GOP Bill Would Stifle Faculty Power in Governance

The legislation, nearing passage, would bolster the power of presidents and regents while reducing faculty members to merely “consulting” on governing, academic and personnel decisions.

Embattled Eastern Gateway Community College Set to Fold

Eastern Gateway Community College, which has struggled financially over the last year, is set to begin dissolving in June unless...
Students at South Carolina State University stand smiling with Meir Muller and Devin Randolph.

Antisemitism Awareness Program Launched at HBCUs

Students at South Carolina State University and Voorhees University are learning about antisemitism and the history of Black-Jewish relations as part of a new program.