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‘It’s Our Responsibility’

A group of researchers, college leaders, business leaders and policy makers is calling on peers in higher ed to focus on Black student enrollment.

Is For-Profit Higher Education on Its Last Legs?

Possible sale of the University of Phoenix to a public university raises existential questions about the for-profit sector and federal regulation of higher education. A panel of experts weighs them.

New Initiative Seeks to Provide Clearer Data on MSIs

Scholars launched a new database focused on minority-serving institutions to create more clarity among researchers, policy makers and others about how to classify and study them.

A Journal Article on Gay People, to Be Viewed With Caution

A peer-reviewed journal placed a warning to readers last month on a flawed article from 2001. But the journal hasn’t retracted it, as a professor who discovered errors has called for.

After a Decade of Growth, Degree Earners Decline

The number of undergraduate degree earners fell last year for the first time since 2012. Is it a bump in the road or a harbinger of a changing higher ed landscape?

Still Hoping for Free Community College

Free community college is back in President Biden’s budget. Although Congress is unlikely to support the full $90 billion, experts hope for a smaller budget item to provide free programs for about 90,000 students a year.

Putting the Heat on Campus Leaders About the Cold

City College of San Francisco students, faculty and staff members are fed up with cold classrooms. Trustees called on administrators to address long-neglected maintenance issues and aging heating systems after some campus buildings went months without heat.

How a Canadian Billionaire Reshaped the King’s College

An entrepreneur’s for-profit education company promised to save an evangelical liberal arts college with online enrollments. Now critics are blaming it for pushing the college to the brink of closure.