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A Challenge to Catholic Colleges

Vatican official urges U.S. institutions to help peers around the world deal with rapid changes in higher education.

Spiritual Accountability

Religious colleges use assessment to measure spiritual growth -- for accountability, accreditation and their own advancement.

Values and Questions

Ugly incident at college known for Quaker values leaves students and educators considering role of a tolerant faith in American academe.

Religious Freedom or Bias?

Christian college sues Pennsylvania for refusing to include jobs with religious requirements in state database.

The 'Great Divide' in Religious Studies

When it comes to introductory courses in religion and theology, the big division isn't a question of faith, but of...

Changing the Equation

California law alters how community colleges are financed -- and may fix problems that have plagued system since passage of Prop 13.

Raising the Bar

California's community colleges toughen graduation requirements. Some see changes as overdue; others fear standards are too high.

A Faculty of One

While most Harper College nursing students have multiple professors, those in a new program learn mainly from a single source.