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Rutgers University strikers hold up signs saying "We R On Strike for a Better Rutgers."

Grad Worker Unionization Is Booming, Even Down South

Organizing is surging into private universities, and strikes have increased as well.

A whitewashed building on the Notre Dame de Namur campus

‘Bittersweet’ Milestone for a Catholic University

Notre Dame de Namur is celebrating its 100th anniversary as administrators prepare to sell the California campus to keep the institution afloat.

Three professionals representing different races talk in a corporate conference room.

Attacks on DEI Jeopardize College-Employer Partnerships

State restrictions risk undermining efforts to create a more racially equitable workforce, Kermit Kaleba and Kysha Wright Frazier write.

A group of students in a lecture hall raises their hands.

How Community College Alumni View the Value of Higher Ed

Report finds fewer than half of community college alumni believe their degree helped advance their career.

Faculty Members Unionize at 2 Maryland Community Colleges

Full-time faculty members have unionized at two Maryland community colleges. Erica Snipes, the Maryland Public Employee Relations Board’s acting executive...
Four mascots—a knight, a badger, a hornet and a hawk—pose next to one another in identical shirts in a college building.

Praying for a Merger Miracle

Vermont State University, a union of three struggling colleges, welcomed its first class last week. But with enrollment flagging, the impact of the merger remains uncertain.

Ex-Professor's Clown Fetish Led to Police Reports, Harassment Claims

Students alleged that a now former Nicholls State University assistant geography professor with a self-described clown “fetish” asked them to...
A crowd of students and visitors hold their hands up at Asbury University's chapel as someone preaches from a podium with a large blue cross.

An Enrollment Spike at Asbury University

A two-week prayer revival on campus attended by tens of thousands drew national attention to the university, but administrators say it isn’t the sole cause of the enrollment spike.