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Mulling Tuition Policy at Community Colleges

While educators see the value in low fees, they get challenged by a trustee who thinks it's fine for students to pay.

Seminaries Under Stress

Radical changes among Episcopal institutions point to pressures on traditional residential model -- which is being reevaluated and redefined as some search for new niches.

Rethinking Remedial Education

In statewide effort, community colleges in California experiment with new models for "basic skills" instruction and student services.

A New Campus, According to Ancient Principles

Maharishi U. is reconstructing its entire physical plant in line with the "nourishing" principles of Vedic architecture.

When Identity Trumps Diversity

When a professor asked for an exemption to a Calvin College policy so she could join a black church -- while remaining a tenure-track faculty member -- the board said no.

When (For-)Profit Takes Over

Several recent transactions have featured private firms or college companies taking over traditional nonprofit institutions. Some investors, though, don't foresee a trend.

Epidemiology 101 As an Undergraduate Mainstay

Public health courses, still far from common at colleges, should become the norm, according to a consortium of academic groups.

Apollo Goes Global

For-profit higher education giant announces $1 billion joint venture (with private equity giant) to invest in international education market.