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The Last Stop

Among last to start classes in California, community colleges on quarter system struggle -- amid severe budget cuts and overcrowding -- to serve students being turned away elsewhere.

Presidents Push for Global Health

Major research university presidents speak out on new and growing global health programs at first-ever meeting of a new consortium.

Is Job Training Zero Sum Game?

Experts debate whether community colleges, in rush to embrace programs to create "green" jobs, are abandoning their training programs for manufacturing and construction jobs.

Colleges Review 'Community'

Some loved it. Some hated it. But everyone is a critic. Last week, community college employees and attendees got their...

Reorienting Themselves

Some community colleges move substantial portions of new student orientations online to maximize efficiency; others push face-to-face programs to make process more personal. Is there a happy medium?

Cash for Courses

City College of San Francisco's plan to court donors to sponsor canceled classes seemed a classic sign of the times, with even skeptics seeing no hope elsewhere. But since the idea surfaced, the plan has evolved.

Skills Training à la Carte

Highly customizable work force education at Michigan community college allows employers and students to select individual competencies they want mastered, worth fractions of a credit hour and costing a few dollars. Is choose-your-own instruction the future?

Emergency Fund Proves Worth

Students at New Mexico community college who get one-time grants for unexpected life expenses – from car payments to emergency medical expenses – stay enrolled at higher rate than other students.