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Education in the Liberal Arts

New education major at Colorado College, a thriving liberal arts college, challenges whether sector should still be defined by traditional disciplines.

Doctoring the Doctorate

Stanford pledges to pay for a master's in education for humanities Ph.D.s who want to become high school teachers.

Coach Knows Best

Student coaching appears to pay off by boosting retention and graduation rates. Does outsourcing coaching make sense if a private company does it best?

Equity Gap Widens

Community colleges struggle to serve a growing share of disadvantaged students, report finds, while public funding skews toward four-year institutions.

Capacity Fix That Rankles

As budget crunch eases at California's community colleges, a lawmaker pushes two-tiered tuition, a solution both faculty groups and system leaders oppose.

Concerns on Loan Denials

Historically black colleges urge Education Department to reconsider changes to some student loan criteria, and for-profit colleges and student advocates gear up for rewrite of "gainful employment" regulation.

Bucking the Trend

While other colleges have cut adjuncts' hours to avoid insurance mandates ahead of the Affordable Care Act taking effect, College of DuPage is offering some adjuncts coverage under a new "lecturer" designation.

Where Philosophy Meets Theology

The influx of money for philosophy research from the religiously inclined Templeton Foundation has raised some eyebrows in the discipline.